Sullivant Ave. - Hague Avenue to I-70 Roadway Improvements
City of Columbus, Department of Public Services
Road Length: 1.73 Miles
Client/Owner: City of Columbus Department of Public Service
Lead Engineer: EP Ferris
Site Location: Columbus, OH
Moody Engineering Project Manager: Leslie Thompson

The City of Columbus, Department of Public Services, initiated a task order for preliminary and detailed design services for improvements and roadway upgrades to Sullivant Avenue, from Hague Avenue to Interstate 70, in order to create a safer corridor. Improvements in this project included replacing traffic signals, upgrading the street lighting, and creating curb extensions and bump-outs in select intersections.
Moody Engineering performed a field walk of the site and evaluated the accessibility of pedestrian crossings throughout the project limits. Crossings along Sullivant Avenue and its side streets were assessed. A field report was created based on the evaluation and includes the photographs and locations entered into our GIS system, as well as a spreadsheet developed to detail the deficiencies observed at each intersection.
Additionally, Moody Engineering has noted what improvements are needed in each intersection and we are developing details and Maintenance of Traffic plans. Using City of Columbus Standards, we will design 18 private driveways in the project area, which will meet accessibility requirements for pedestrians.