Reeb Avenue - Building Renovation & Addition
City of Columbus
Site Size: 2.36 acres
Client/Owner: City of Columbus Lead Architect: Moody Nolan
Site Location: Columbus, OH
Moody Engineering Project Manager: Mark Larrimer

The revitalization of this former Columbus City Schools elementary school began with an initial feasibility study and resulted in a complete renovation of the 51,894 SF historic facility as well as a 15,658 SF addition. The Reeb Avenue Center serves as a multipurpose community center for Southern Gateway neighborhood of Columbus, providing early childhood education, other educational services, support services for families, job training and workforce development.
Moody Engineering provided overall site development and permitting as well as City of Columbus Drawer E, sanitary, stormwater and water services plans. The site improvements required City of Columbus zoning, permits and filing an Notice of Intent (NOI), Permit to Install (PTI), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).