Bishop James A. Griffin Student Center & Parking Facilities
Ohio Dominican University
Size: 9.65 Acres
Lead Architect: Moody Nolan
Site Location: Columbus, OH
Moody Engineering Project Manager: Mark Larrimer

Moody Engineering provided all site engineering for a new $21.5 million student center, new student housing and a new parking lot providing an additional 250 parking spaces to allow for future growth. The firm was also responsible for the design of subsurface retention under the parking areas as well as the drainage design and site grading. Stormwater quality improvements were made to assist in obtaining LEED certification as well as to meet the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency and City of Columbus. City of Columbus “CC” permit documents and a project stormwater manual were prepared for City review and approval of the storm sewer improvements. The project earned LEED Gold Certification.