Grandview Heights Municipal Service Building
City of Grandview Heights
Site Size: 4 acres
Client/Owner: City of Grandview Heights Lead Architect: Ronald J. Gajoch & Associates, Inc.
Site Location: Grandview Heights, OH
Moody Engineering Project Manager: David Moody
The City of Grandview Heights selected Ronald J. Gajoch & Associates to design their new Municipal Service Facility, with Moody Engineering providing civil engineering services as a sub-consultant. The design included a new office/garage space as well as a vehicle wash building. Future proposed buildings include a salt barn, a salt brine pretreatment building, an above-ground ConVault fuel tank and a storage building. Moody Engineering was responsible for site grading, drainage, utilities, and vehicular traffic and parking. Site improvements included new sidewalks and curbs inside the street’s right-of-way.
Key Challenges
Coordination with the City of Columbus for permits was a challenge. Due to a tight schedule the site had some issues with the soils and the approach we took was to mitigate the situation in the beginning, rather than chase the problem around the site as it was uncovered.