Dodd Parking Garage
The Ohio State University
Site Size: 1.89 Acres
Client/Owner: The Ohio State University
Lead Architect: Schooley Caldwell
Site Location: Columbus, OH
Moody Engineering Project Manager: Leslie Thompson

Moody Engineering is providing civil engineering plans and specifications for the new OSU Dodd Parking Garage located at King Avenue and Old Cannon Dr. The density of the utilities on and around the site required a careful evaluation and relocation of many of the existing services. The site also includes the corridor of the 105” sewer (OSIS) running north to south which impacted the design. To properly address the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, Moody Engineering performed a Traffic Study that encompasses the impacts of this new garage on the current signals and traffic.
Moody Engineering was also tasked the preparation of the following Construction Documents: the Site Demolition Plan, the Site Layout & Paving Plan, the Site Utility Plan (Water, Sanitary and Storm) and the Site & Utility Details. Permitting documents included: City of Columbus CC-Storm Plans for Drainage and Erosion Control, an Ohio EPA Notice of Intent (NOI), a Storm Drainage Report, and finally, a Water Service Plan for submission to the City of Columbus Division of Water.