Celebrate One South Linden Sidewalks

City of Columbus

Sidewalk Length: 1200 linear ft.
Client/Owner: City of Columbus Department of Public Service Lead Engineer: Moody Engineering
Site Location: Columbus, OH
Moody Engineering Project Manager: Leslie Thompson

Moody Engineering served as the prime consultant for Phases 1 & 2 of the Celebrate 1 Sidewalks project in South Linden. The goal of these projects are to provide a safe and walkable pedestrian experience in the Linden neighborhood to Columbus Alternative High School and Linden Park along Hamilton Ave., and increase mobility among residents. This involved providing sidewalk on the east side of Hamilton, where the existing conditions were a sidewalk setback from the curb on all the cross streets intersecting the project, and on the street portion of Hamilton extending south of the project. The existing uncurbed pavement edge was not effective in conveying drainage or providing a defined vehicle / pedestrian separation. The existing driveways and alleys presented several instances where small areas technically fall outside the defined driveway, alley, or street sections and thus needed specific decisions on what disposition to take regarding gravel, grass or pavement.

• We coordinated City of Columbus Stormwater Control Practices (SCPs) with Linden Park to address stormwater quantity and quality for Hamilton corridor
• We were able to provide new permeable paver solutions to suit parking needs